Lawn Pests & Disease Control in San Antonio, TX
Each of Our Techs Has 10+ Years of Lawn & Disease Pest Control
While many know who to turn to for an infestation of certain vagrant creatures, from fire ants to termites, ticks to fleas, it might seem difficult to find a solution when it comes to dealing with pests deeply embedded within your lawn, or even other problems such as stubborn weeds, fungal growth, and too much moisture. Currently, these are unfortunately problems which become overlooked and ignored, since so many companies are busy dealing with other problems of the “big name bugs” like mosquitos and fleas.
Since our business at Family Pest Control LLC has been eradicating for 39 years, you can believe us when we say that we know full well the extent of damage that can be done to a lawn. When these conditions are ignored, they can get more extensive in spreading as time goes on. This is why you should immediately get in contact with our weed, lawn pest, and disease control specialists in San Antonio.
Call us today at (210) 762-6991 to find out more how we can restore your lawn to its original pristine condition.
5 Lawn Care Tips
Insects can also cause damage to plants & lawns outside the home, limiting the appeal of the garden and potentially causing harm to your pets and small children in the home. To discover the latest lawn care tips for your home, read the following 5 tips from Family Pest Control.
- Move Branches And Leaves
One item that attracts insects and larger animals to the lawn are stale leaves and broken branches. If the leaves and tree remnants have been allowed to stay in the same place for months at a time they begin to rot, attracting animals with their smell. It’s important to move them out of the way and to have all garden waste recycled locally. - Look For The Signs Of Intrusion
The signs of intrusion around your lawn could be anthills or mounds from other animals digging up the soil in the lawn. This could also include damaged plants that have broken leaves. Look for the signs that insects have entered your property and make sure you respond quickly to the signs of an issue. - Call A Pest Control Specialist Immediately
One of the reasons that lawns become damaged beyond repair is that the homeowner waits too long to deal with the pest issue. It’s important to call a pest control problem immediately when you suspect an issue within your home. - Book A Year-Round Service
It’s important to book year-round services when turning to a pest control team for your lawn care challenges. The team at Family Pest Control for example offers full year-round treatments that can be completed according to the lawn care challenges within the property. - Monitor The Problem
Once the treatments have been completed, it’s important that you monitor the issue for the potential return of insects and wildlife to the yard. Most treatments are successful over time but changing weather patterns and the introduction of new flowers to your yard might require you to undertake further treatments in the future.
Types of Lawn Pest Control
While lawns can look similar, right beneath the surface they are completely unique, something that our professional team at Family Pest Control LLC knows full well. Depending on the type of soil in your yard, the amount of sunshine and shade you get, and even the type of plants growing can completely change the types of pests that will infiltrate your lawn.
Some of the most common types of lawn pests include:
- Chiggers
- Grub worms
- Chinch bugs
- Chafer grubs
- Leatherjackets
- Cutworms
- Sawflies
- Webworms
- Thrips
- Whiteflies